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Gas and Oil Investing

Putting your money in the bank these days is just about as bad as burying it in your backyard. Neither place is going to make you rich. Investing in the stock market is just the opposite. Your money won’t be hiding, but it will be on a merry go round of ups and downs and who knows what. With all the fluctuations in the market, you never know from one day to the next if your investment is going to pay off or take you down. So what about gas and oil investing? How can you know whether it’s a good place to put your money, and how in the world do you ever choose a company to trust with your money?

When you work with Landmaster Partners, you’ll be offered a low to moderate risk investment package that is geared to generate high returns. As a company, Landmaster has specialists who do their due diligence to find the perfect wells to invest in. When new investors want to come aboard, we encourage them to call and talk with one of our representatives who can explain the difference in our programs. If you are new to gas and oil investing, you’ll probably want to start with a low risk investment by purchasing existing production. There’s little to no risk there because the wells are already producing, so you know there will be profits.

If you are a little more adventurous and want to take just a little more risk, investing in an existing well that we’re reworking will bring a higher return, but the risk is a little higher as well. The same goes when we re-enter old wells. We know there was oil there, but finding a good supply when we reenter is a little riskier than working with a well that already in production. If you’re willing to take a bigger risk for a bigger payoff, working with our new well exploration is where to be.

If you’re new to gas and oil investing, we highly recommend talking with our staff and getting the guidance from people who have experience in this type of investment. You can reach our corporate office at 325-704-2530 or our Florida office at 863-452-2892. We’ll be happy to answer all your questions.



Profiting from Oil Wells

Whether you are a big investor with a lot of money to spend or a small investor looking for your first well, working with Landmaster Partners is a smart move. Profiting from oil wells is what we do, and helping new people make money only makes us smile. When you figure that it costs us about $5 to produce a barrel of oil and you consider the price of oil on the market, the money you put in could turn out to be the best investment you’ve ever made.

Now, nobody is saying there is a guarantee that you’ll be profiting from oil wells in the next few weeks. There’s generally no way we can guarantee a time frame for any of our wells. However, we can tell you that we don’t just cross our fingers and go out anywhere we feel like it and start drilling. We have a specific plan that’s drawn up by experienced people who know their stuff. If all the signals are right and we begin to drill, we can generally figure on profits being there.

Development wells are probably not the best for first time investors because there is some risk of total loss. Reworking existing wells is something that has worked very well for us in the past and is still working well today. Of course, the risk factor with any oil well is always there. But there are some wells that are in existing production that are generally the lowest risk and probably the best investment for any new-comer who wants to be profiting from oil wells as soon as possible. Reentering old wells have some risk of loss, but these are wells that can have you profiting from oil wells relatively quickly because you don’t need to pay for drilling of the well. If you’re interested in learning about oil and gas investing, we’d be happy to talk with you. Just give us a call in Texas at 325-704-2530 or in Florida at 863-452-2892.



Landmaster is Evaluating Several New Oil & Gas Leases for 2015

Landmaster is Evaluating Several New Oil & Gas Leases for 2015

Abilene, Texas; With the decline in oil prices recently, many oil and gas operators or lease owners are selling some of their leases due to decreased cash flow, resulting in the need for cash. Other operators may not be in a financial position to buy quality oil leases that can be reworked due to the fact that they carry large overheads and not enough cash flow.

Landmaster is fortunate in the fact that it is not burdened with large overhead and recovers oil at a cost of around $2,000 per well per month, so profits are still very good. In addition, we have a good track record with our current working interest partners that are willing to help fund some of the acquisition and rework of new leases.

We are currently evaluating several new quality oil and gas leases in Texas. Once our staff determines a lease may be a worthwhile prospect, we review the well data with log analysts from Schlumberger and other local companies for further evaluation. If their report is positive, we then review production and other geological data before moving forward on that project.
We believe that many great opportunities will be available while oil prices are low.
Landmaster Begins to Rework 3 Wells on the Herring Lease

Coleman County, Texas; The Herring lease consists of 3 wells. Landmaster has identified the Upper Sarratt sand pay zone on this lease as productive. We have squeezed cement across the Upper Serratt Sand and drilled it out of the #5 well. We expect to complete this well in early February 2015.

We anticipate a total of 50 BOPD from the Herring lease resulting in an excellent payout for us and our working interest partners.





Landmaster Begins Reworking Oil Wells on the Swenson Lease

Haskell County, Texas; Landmaster successfully funded the Swenson lease project which involves the rework of 6 oil wells. There are a total of 8 wells on the lease. One was producing and another is a water disposal / injection well. This property has produced over 2.5 million barrels of oil over the past 60 years and is still going strong!

In September of 2014, the Swenson #14 well was reworked and was completed with much higher than expected oil production. Landmaster had anticipated a total of 80-100 BOPD from the entire Swenson 8 well project. The #14 initially produced 277 BOPD and now steadily produces approximately 40 BOPD.

In November, the Swenson #12 was completed with production averaging 20 BOPD and 800 BWPD. The well was squeezed to reduce the water and the well is currently producing 10 to 15 BOPD with 300 BWPD using a pump jack. The well will be placed back on the screw pump in late January in hope of pumping it off and increasing oil production. There are still 3 more wells on the Swenson to be reworked. Landmaster anticipates the total production on this project to average 150 BOPD.

The Swenson 2A well produces 5 to 6 BOPD and 20 BWPD. The Swenson #6 well had a Neutron log which indicates the Upper Swastika Sands with 18 to 20% porosities and a thickness in excess of 20 feet. It appears this sand covers most of the 500+ acre lease.


Gas and Oil Profits

Investing in gas and oil wells may be a smart move for you, especially if you work with a company that’s done all the hard work for you. Landmaster Partners is a company that’s taken a lot of the risk out of investing by locating the best new wells and giving you the opportunity to invest in them along with them. Gas and oil profits from wells in Texas produce profits at a rate much higher than foreign sources, so it’s really silly to look for a place anywhere else to put your money.

You may not realize it, but the oil available in the United States is more than eight times the volume as our largest foreign competitor. And a lot of that oil is available in new wells right here in Texas. Texas oil basins are just waiting to be tapped, and when you work with Landmaster Partners, you’re lowering your risk for losses because you have an experienced team on your side. Of course, if you prefer a higher risk investment, you stand to gain more than if you invest in a lower risk alternative. But the choice is always yours as to what you want to do. You’re the only one who knows how much gas and oil profits mean to your overall investment portfolio.

When you work with Landmaster Partners to earn gas and oil profits, you’re working with a team of geologists and petroleum engineers who evaluate the potential before it’s even made available to you. These are people with experience who are looking for new oil and gas developments as well as going after reserves that may still be viable sources for additional profits. Trusting the people who have the experience to let you know whether drilling a new gas or oil development meets the right criteria is the best way to look at a new investment. Landmaster Partners works with a team that is dedicated to their success as well as your success.



Investing In Oil

A lot of people talk about investing in oil, especially politicians, and especially around election time. That’s not always a bad thing, since it gets people to look into oil investing and learn at least a little more about it. But how many average people in this country actually know what they’re talking about – aside from the politicians who claim to know of what they speak?

Most people probably know that investing in oil is generally considered a low to moderate risk that hopefully will generate a pretty substantial profit. Doing the investing yourself, without the benefit of an experienced partner, is not generally a good idea, no matter where you plan to spend your money. No matter how much you study or how much you think you know about oil investing, there is information that the average person doesn’t have access to or wouldn’t know how to process, even if they did have access to it.

It’s a much better idea to work with a company that specializes in oil drilling and oil leases and knows how to advise you. Landmaster Partners is the perfect company to work with. The experts at Landmaster Partners spend their time evaluating oil wells to make sure that the reserves left by previous drillers still offer new development opportunities. If an oil well is depleted and you make a purchase on a depleted oil well, you’re just throwing your money away. But as an individual, there’s no way for you to know that or even know where to find that information if you didn’t use an oil investing expert like the ones at Landmaster Partners.

Before you decide that investing in oil is your next step, contact Landmaster Partners to learn about current projects and what we can do for you. You can sign up for our newsletter and get a copy of our oil investing ebook here: We look forward to helping you learn about our projects.



Gas Wells In Texas

If you haven’t already heard, gas wells in Texas are producing profits for their supporters. The well leases we own are drawing lots of attention and investors are getting fired up. Whether you’re starting your investment portfolio, or are adding oil and gas to an established plan, some of the best investments are in crude fuel options. Why not get involved? You owe it to yourself to find out why the oil fields in West Central Texas are providing a tangible return.

We want to share this wonderful opportunity with you, and we want you to know about oil and gas investments. There are some things you should know before taking the plunge. It’s not rocket science. We just try to do our best to inform our partners so they can make the best decisions. Before you commit to supporting the gas wells in Texas, take in the ideas below. When you’re done reading, we’re right here at 325-704-2530 to answer your questions. Part of what we do is serve people. We hope to have the chance to do so with you.

We recommend taking a realistic approach to buying into crude oil investments. The stock market rises and falls as part of its nature. It doesn’t mean your investments are doomed when you see a slight move downward. The pendulum also swings in the other direction. So when you sow into these investment opportunities, it’s realistic to expect fluctuation in value. You want to look at the big picture when making investment decisions.

Have you ever heard you should diversify? Adding a gas investment to your portfolio is a great way to do that. It’s good to arrange a well-rounded plan that includes gas wells in Texas. And we encourage you to do your homework. Don’t take our word, or anyone else’s on how best natural gas investments perform. Instead, pay attention to reported facts. Being informed about how your oil drilling investment is working may bring more opportunity in the future. When you take a planned approach to partnering with us, we believe you’ll be pleased with the outcome.

Investing In Oil And Gas

Over the past several years, investing in oil and gas has become more attractive than ever. While there’s some speculation, the rise in interest is caused by several factors. Regardless of the reason you are researching oil and gas investment projects, Landmaster Partners offers profitable programs. It doesn’t matter if you want to park a little or a lot in raw fuel investments. We work with partners who take both high and low risks.

The point is to get your money in the pool. You can’t earn profits from investing In oil and gas until you are vested in the success of our wells. And it’s much easier than you may think. Our engineers have refined extracting resources from new and established wells. We even find crude in re-opened wells. Our nimble approach to removing as much liquid gold as possible is always our goal.

With today’s technologies and equipment, it’s more profitable to invest in oil drilling. American soil covers many rich natural resources. Tapping into some of those holdings is what we do for you. Landmaster Partners is proud to operate leases on oil rigs all over West Central Texas. If you live close by in Lawn, Hawley, or Merkel, you’ve probably noticed our pumps along the roadways. When you get involved with profiting from the fruit of those rigs, you could see your money at work every day.

Investing in oil and gas is a tangible venture. And it’s worth your while to get more information. The more you know about how oil and gas investment projects work, the sooner you’ll start to benefit from this productive commodity. Don’t waste any more time. Call us today at 325-704-2530 in Texas, or at 863-452-2892 in Florida. You can also Click Here to find out how to get involved. We’re excited to share this opportunity with you. Honestly, we’re so amazed at how the Landmaster program is prospering. We want to share it with everyone we can!

Oil Investment Company

You may have heard that oil investments are a waste of time. It seems like oil and gas have been overlooked. If you’re a trader, you must be looking for return on investment. If you haven’t already thought about it, Landmaster Partners is the oil investment company to talk with. Investing in oil and gas is quite profitable. Our unique approach to drilling gives our partners greater opportunity to earn on their investments. Getting involved is simple.

Refining crude oil is important in the United States. Everything from food prices to construction costs are affected by it. When fuel prices rise, so does the cost of living. Oil and weather factors are big influences on consumable products. You can imagine how gasoline pricing impacts almost everything around us. Because of that fluctuation, it’s possible to profit from this stock.

This supply and demand connection is a great opportunity to see a return on investment. Landmaster Partners oil investment company can show you how to get involved with oil and gas. Clients who have bought into oil investments are seeing positive results. Ups and downs in pricing can be very appealing to futures traders. Overall, oil and gas continue to earn profits. Now is the time to get started with profiting from this type of investment.

Our partners have mentioned that working with our oil investment company has been one of the best moves they have made. If you want to improve your portfolio, consider adding stock in oil and gas leases. Landmaster Partners are benefiting from new and established wells every day. Why not call to find out if the return on investment is worth your time? Call us at 325-704-2530 to get more information. We look forward to showing you how gas and oil are commodities that are paying off.

Texas Oil And Gas Leases

Understanding Texas oil and gas leases can be overwhelming. Working with Landmaster Partners can take that overwhelmed feeling away. We go out of our way to educate our partners. Our clients prosper when they find profits from oil and gas. With oil prices today, you may wonder if it’s a good idea to invest in domestic oil and gas. All your questions can be answered when you call 325-704-2530. Landmaster Partners was established in West Central Texas in 2008. Since then we have tapped into many profitable oil formations. Since we operate many of the leases we hold, we spend a lot of time inspecting the rigs and condition of producing wells. If you want to partner with a company with a positive reputation, Landmaster Partners is the right choice.

Not everyone knows how Texas oil and gas leases work. While they’re not complicated to understand, it does require some education to see how they turn into profits for our clients. Typically, leases are arranged to cover a two to five-year span. If the well produces oil within that time frame, the investors reap profits from oil and gas as long as that well is producing. If a well stops producing crude, the investor’s lease expires two to five years after the end. Obviously the goal is to drill and start producing as soon as possible. If a pay zone is tapped from a well on leased land, you start earning profits faster.

With oil prices today, it makes perfect sense to invest in domestic drilling. Cutting out the exorbitant cost of importing fuel is smart business. Producing gas and oil on US soil means we can offer Americans fuel at better prices. The question is not ‘if’ we should drill, but ‘when’ and ‘where’. While there are other options that may be lower risk, investing in Texas oil and gas leases has generated returns for many of our partners since 2008.